Pikachu used graph theory!

Ph.D Thesis

Roots of the Chromatic Polynomial, Technical University of Denmark 2017.

Preprints and Publications

  • A zero-free interval for chromatic polynomials of graphs with 3-leaf spanning trees. Discrete Math. 339, 2016 (DOI, arXiv)
  • Chromatic roots and minor-closed families of graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 30, 2016 (DOI, arXiv)
  • Density of real zeros of the Tutte polynomial. With Seongmin Ok. Combin. Probab. Comput. 27, 2018 (DOI, arXiv)
  • Density of chromatic roots in minor-closed graph families. With Carsten Thomassen. Combin. Probab. Comput. 27, 2018 (DOI)
  • Gallai's path decomposition conjecture for graphs of small maximum degree. With Marthe Bonamy. Discrete. Math. 342, 2019 (DOI, arXiv)

Conferences and Workshops




  • ICGT, Grenoble, France.



  • KIAS Combinatorics Seminar, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Graph Polynomials: Towards a Comparative Theory, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.
  • Nordic Congress of Mathematicians, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • University of Birmingham Combinatorics Seminar, Birmingham, UK.
  • LIAFA Distributed Algorithms and Graphs Seminar, Paris, France.
  • LaBRI Graphs and Optimisation Seminar, Bordeaux, France.


  • DMO Seminar, McGill University, Canada.
  • Graph Theory Seminar, University of Waterloo, Canada.
  • GT2015, Nyborg, Denmark.
  • Workshop on New Directions for the Tutte Polynomial: Extensions, Interrelations, and Applications, Royal Holloway University of London, UK.
  • 25th British Combinatorial Conference, Warwick, UK.
  • 8th Slovenian Conference on Graph Theory, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.


  • Spring 2015 - 01227 Graph Theory
  • Spring 2015 - 01330 Mathematics 3 - Entrance to Advanced Mathematics
  • Spring 2014 - 02122 Software Technology Project (Graph Colouring and Scheduling Problems)